The Sheriff is LaCroix’s personal bodyguard, killer, and enforcer. Aside from providing several of the storyline's main quests, he offers several sidequests through e-mail, and can grant you access to a dwelling in the Skyline apartment building (all clans except for Tremere and Nosferatu).

Once a soldier serving Napoléon, he is now the head of the LaCroix Foundation, and resides in the Venture Tower in the game’s 'Downtown' area, commanding the city from his penthouse office. Camarilla, which only recently moved back in to the Los Angeles area. The primary antagonist, a French Ventrue of at least 220 years of age, though he looks to be in his early 20s, LaCroix is the Prince of the L.A. These are recurring vampiric characters who drive major elements of the story forward, or otherwise provide major supporting roles in the game. Otherwise, the Fledgling is a silent protagonist, even during cut scenes. Only at the very beginning of the game is the protagonist's voice heard: a single scream. By the end of the game, it is implied that the Fledgling has the potential to become one of the most powerful vampires in existence. The Fledgling appears to affect an aura of power, which commands respect from some vampires encountered, particularly LaCroix who chooses to recruit the Fledgling for his purposes as the game begins.

Other tidbits revealed in conversation include the fact the Fledgling was gifted in art and history in school (as discussed with Beckett) less certain in their accuracy are off-the-cuff remarks made by the Fledgling in conversation with Rosa and Jack that the player's bike was once stolen in fifth grade and that the Fledgling was picked on in high school. At one point (depending upon which race of vampire the player chooses) the Fledgling may encounter a friend from life named Samantha who reveals the Fledgling apparently comes from an affluent family, and was en route to dinner at a restaurant but disappeared. Very little is revealed about the Fledgling's past as a human. The player-character is seduced and the Embrace occurs off-screen. The circumstances behind this union are not revealed, but the protagonist begins the game wearing casual dress. In the beginning of the game, the Fledgling (who is not referred to by any name in the game) is in bed with an unidentified Camarilla member of the opposite sex (players who choose to play a member of the Tremere clan may later be informed the perpetrator was an Anarch). The main protagonist of the game, who can either be female or male depending on the choice of the player.